A picture of me at the Run Melbourne 2023 half-marathon event

Hello 👋

Originally from Denmark, I graduated from Aalborg University with a masters in Computer Science in 2016. Later in 2016, I moved to Brisbane, Australia, followed by Melbourne in 2021, where I currently reside.

Since moving to Australia, I’ve taken an interest in application development, and have worked with Ruby on Rails as a consultant, primarily as a backend developer. More recently, I’ve been working with DevOps, security, and infrastructure.

From November 2020, I’ve been working for Australia and New Zealand Banking Group as a software engineer, specifically on ANZ Plus, which is a new account offering from ANZ.

You can read more about my professional experience on my CV.

I’ve been a computer geek my whole life. I’m passionate about open source, self- hosting, and digital privacy. I love running, playing video games, and watch too much Hasanabi.

Want to connect? Great! Check the links in the header for where you can find me.

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